Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Terrorist Tactics Utilize the Young

On January 4, 2015 a 10 year old girl carried and released very heavy explosives in a crowded market in northern Nigeria.  She carried the explosives under her veil, though witnesses doubt that she was aware that there was a bomb strapped inside.  The blast ended up killing 20 people and wounding more in the radius.  The terrorist group that employed this method has been utilizing women as suicide bombers at an increasing rate and has continued to abduct girls in northeast Nigeria; however, this attack is the first of its kind to utilize small children to carry out the bombing.  Officials suspect that women and children are being utilized at an increasing rate because they are unsuspecting and can conceal weapons in their hijabs; the police are becoming more and more concerned with the ever increasing use of women and children, as it is difficult to spot the weapons and is disturbing to utilize the innocent in such heinous crimes.

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