Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Donkey Skins are the New Ivory

Ejiao has been taken as an elixir by the Chinese since ancient times. This elixir is created by boiling and refining donkey skin to create the gelatin ejiao. As China's economy grew and the Chinese became richer during the 1990's and the 2000's, the demand for this ejiao has also grown. Because of this, the demand for donkey has gone way up. China does breed their own donkeys, but donkeys are known for being bad breeders. So, China does not have enough donkeys to satisfy the demand for ejiao by the Chinese. Poor farmers in Africa have been selling their donkeys, as the price for donkeys have sky rocketed in Africa. But most of these donkeys on the market now are stolen donkeys from African farmers. In order to try and stop this from happening, several African countries have now banned exports to China.


By: Samantha Kouba

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