Sunday, March 6, 2022

Asia On Their Own Side: Mixed Reactions to Ukraine War

While the U.S., along with many other European nations, have sided with Ukraine in providing them with aid to fight and sanctions against Russia. Across the Asia-Pacific countries that are American allies such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Australia are the only ones to have placed sanctions against Russia. However, generals in Myanmar have said that Russian actions are "the right thing to do" while India has abstained from a United Nations Security Council to condemn the attack. Vietnam has referred to Vladimir V. Putin as "Uncle Putin." Russia's influence in Asia is minimal compared to the United States. However, Russia has made a significant effort to grow its presence in recent years, especially with military supplies. 84% of Vietnam's weapons imports come from Russia, buying billions of dollars worth of Russian artillery, aircraft, and submarines. Russia has also been a reliable military power for India, accounting for half of its military supplies. Like India, Indonesia has significantly increased its economic and defense ties with Russia over the years, with trade between the countries rising to $2.74 billion in 2021. 

The United States has been quick to criticize Russia for its policies, Putin's brand of authoritarian politics has appealed to many countries across Asia where strongmen rule is often. Authoritarian governments and those with weaker ties to the West have been more reluctant to act or speak out against Russia either due to common ideals or economic relations. 

By: Genevieve Weiss

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