Monday, March 28, 2022

Indigenous Tell Pope of Abuses at Canada Residential Schools

This Monday, indigenous leaders from Canada met with Pope Francis to inform him off the abuses they were subject to at the hands of Catholic priests and school workers. Pope Francis allowed over an hour to speak to every Metis and Inuit person individually, as well as giving a formal address to the group as a whole. The Canadian Government itself admitted to the sexual abuse, and physical abuse that the children at indigenous catholic schools went through. From the 19th century up to the 1950s, indigenous children were forced into Catholic schools where they were forced to assimilate to Catholic life. The indigenous people consisted of those who went to the Catholic schools, and lived to tell Pope Francis the truth. They went in hopes for an apology from the church, and reparations to their communities. The result was just that, as the church added $30 million to its already $50 million in reparations.

Skyy Hills

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