Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukraine's tech community rises to challenges of war

On 3/1/22 Jane Wakefield reported how Ukraine was suppose to host a technology award ceremony about a week ago. These technology companies nominated attend the award ceremony in April have changed their mission towards the war effort. These companies have decided to volunteer to help Ukraine defend and attack on the cyber war front. Over 200 companies including Lviv IT Cluster have banned together with 200 cyber-security experts to help people find shelter. Russia has been creating fake account online pretending to be the Ukrainian government and leaking fake information to evacuating citizens. Russia has leaked fake information including fake messages about Ukraine security services and fake evacuation plans as well as fake information about invasions. However,  Ukraine has fought back using face-swapping app called reface which has change its content to now have notifications about invasions, providing safe evacuation plans to citizens, and live video feeds. Ukraine's technology companies last year was estimated to equal  about 10 billion dollars. Right now these companies have devoted their resources to raise funds for the Ukrainian army.  For more information read the article form BBC, retrieved 3/1/22 from :
Written by, Jenny Smith

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