Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Nicaraguan ambassador turns on own government

 My blogs have all been about Russia and Ukraine so I decided to go a different route with this blog. This article is about a Nicaraguan official, Arturo McFields, standing up to the President, Daniel Ortega, for running his country like a dictator. McFields wants to stand up to the President despite him possible bringing danger to himself and his family. I had no idea that Nicaragua was being run like a dictatorship in which people are being persecuted and fleeing their homes to get away from the persecution. I think what McFields did was very courageous, he stood up for his people despite the consequences. A quote from McFields that stuck out to me was "Denouncing my country's dictatorship isn't easy, but remaining silent and defending the indefensible is impossible," 

Abby Cox 

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