Sunday, March 20, 2022

Biden's strategy with Putin is decades in the making

Biden has been said to be aware of Putin's plan to build an empire for years. He has also tried to depoliticize Russia's invasion, not making it a left vs. right issue, but instead vilifying Putin as a whole. Biden was the Vice President during Russia's invasion of Crimea in 2014 and saw the impact of sanctions and the importance of having a strong response to conflict. 

The article goes into the behavior and relationship between Putin and Biden, displaying that they have always had issues with each other, going as far as recollecting their first meeting where Biden told Putin he didn't think he had a soul.

It now falls on Biden to restore unity in a country that has been so divided. Although there is still conflict and blame due to rising gas prices, the rising threatening enemy of the U.S is clear.

Hunter Scherer

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