Saturday, September 29, 2018

‘People actually laughed at a president’: At U.N. speech, Trump suffers the fate he always feared

Donald Trump has been one of the first individuals to criticize other administrations and compare their terms to his. Additionally, he has continuously commented on how the U.S. has been the laughing stock of the world. Trump has continuously been the one to blame past presidents for this. On Tuesday, Trump addressed the U.N. After claiming that his administration has been more effective in the past 2 years than almost any administration, members of the U.N. began laughing. Obviously, he tried to play it off by laughing along. I think this is comical, but also important. It is essential to note this because other countries leaders and ambassadors need to respect us as a nation. If they do not respect our own President, what is to say that they respect or trust the country as a whole? Yes, we have long standing relationships with various countries and the U.S. is probably the most powerful nation in the world, but trust and respect are essential in relations. Especially with a president like Trump, I think it is so important to make sure we are not walking on egg shells with other countries, let alone the U.N.
For more information on the specific event-
By: Alyssa Farney

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