Sunday, September 16, 2018

Trade Ministers Call for W.T.O. Overhaul, but Offer Few Details

This article is from the New York Times and was written by Daniel Politi and Jack Ewing.
This article is about a meeting in Mar del Plata that involved trade ministers from the Group of 20 countries in the W.T.O. They have come together to discuss what needs to be done in the near future concerning the W.T.O. This has become something that leaders have started to be concerned with ever since President Trump has openly criticized the W.T.O. The G20 ministers believe that along with the criticism, Trump's tariffs have severely weakened the international trading system. They believe that this meeting to discuss the future was a small victory regarding the future of the W.T.O. The foreign minsters all agreed that a complete overhaul will be done soon, but they don't know what exactly will happen in said overhaul.  The United States and the European Union are in agreement that something needs to be fixed and the Trump administration will not back down. He has done many different things to try and disable the W.T.O. even though he is for international trade. I believe that this meeting will be helpful in the long run. Even though Trump himself was not present, I believe that this meeting and the future meetings could possibly change his opinion of the W.T.O. I also believe that if the rest of the world didn't believe something was wrong with the W.T.O., they wouldn't have had a meeting about it. I am excited to find out what the future meetings will entail. Below is the link for the article:

Written by Jake Rogers

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