Friday, October 1, 2021

4, The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a 'system collapse' (Sydney Dryier)

   Developed nations (namely those that operate under some kind of capitalism) tend to do this thing where they abuse and mistreat those who do “unskilled labor” as if they are underpaid, abused and left to do back breaking labor at a high intensity to meet demand of those on top. Notable examples are factory workers, cashiers, food service workers and in this case, laborers that work in the supply chain for things like gas and general cargo are warning that a complete collapse of the supply chain is going to happen if improvements are not made. This predicted collapse is due to COVID-19 killing the most people in the cargo and service industry as these people were considered bottom of the rung in society and therefore weren’t protected by management and were basically given minimal protection or quality of life improvements. Due to this and the increased workloads, many laborers who do essential services either quit their jobs, unable to keep up with the load or risk their help and just as many people just straight up died over the last 2 years. 

   Governments at this point in time are facing labor shortages and a mass exodus of those doing “unskilled” labor due to how badly they treat those who they feel are undeserving of better working conditions. With that said, governments need to get over this stigma that low wage workers have it easy and should just “get a better job” low wage workers keep thing moving in a society, they keep businesses open and are the ones on the front lines that keep everyone’s routines on schedule and provide those at the top with everything they need to succeed. With this, governments are facing a choice. Compensate workers accordingly and treat them with respect going forward, or risk a complete collapse of the global supply chain. 

  So basically, the western world is making the choice to just ignore it and let things get worse because apparently poor people don’t matter, wage theft doesn’t matter and putting people in the line of a pandemic doesn’t matter as long as profit margins don’t get cut. Things might change when supply can’t meet demand shortly after this “global supply chain collapse” but overall, nothing's gonna change until there are financial repercussions for those who own the cargo ships and companies. 

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