Sunday, October 31, 2021

G20 Summit


The leaders of the G20 summit have agreed to a huge corporate tax deal. The tax deal was proposed by the United States but all members of the G20 agreed to it. Although the deal won’t be enforced until 2023 it is a huge deal because it taxes big business profits by at least 15%. The G20 was not only about taxation in the event questions were raised about Covid and Climate change which will be discussed in the COP26 summit in Glasgow on Monday. In addition to taxation, climate change, and Covid questions were raised about Iran's nuclear program. Things are escalating as the leaders released a combined statement to the effect of “if you continue with nuclear testing our sanctions won’t be lifted”.The COP26 summit will have discussions most likely similar to the ones in G20 especially with regards to climate change. Lucky leaders like Boris Johnson and Mario Draghi are especially concerned with the issue based on their remarks on the issue at the G20 summit. The main goal with regards to climate change is trying to divert funds to climate change efforts across the world which so far has not been going very well. But things could very well change as the COP26 climate summit will take place soon enough and could have a considerable change to our current climate change policies with effects on every one of us.

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