Friday, October 29, 2021

8, Putin Exploits Europe's Energy Crisis (Dryier)

So to quickly summarize this article, Europe is facing an energy shortage due to the lack of coal (which I wrote about a few weeks ago) and now Russia is stepping in to provide energy for a majority of Europe but Putin is making it so that prices increase and that they only get so much. For many parts of Europe they simply cannot afford the high prices set by Putin or they cannot get enough to satisfy the needs of their people. 

  Naturally I find this deplorable to intentionally keep the market scarce on a commodity that most people need to keep some standard of living, but what I find most interesting is the title itself and what it says about our global stage. The title itself makes it clear that what Putin is doing is exploitation yet the United States has done the same thing to Puerto Rico and other colonized nations. We come in and privatize the power grid and then keep the prices up to the point where many are without power. Yet when this is discussed often the articles are very apologetic towards the US and justify their actions by saying it’s for “economic reasons” yet when Russia does the literal exact same thing they are suddenly held accountable. 

  This article just shows a blatant ethnocentric and racist belief among our western population as when the United states takes power from a Hispanic nation, it’s okay. When Russia takes power from white Europeans, suddenly it’s a problem. 

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