Friday, October 1, 2021

Japan fully drops COVID state of emergency for 1st time in 6 months by Siichiro Sato

By Alexia Patino 

As of today, October 1st of 2021, Japan has fully dropped its coronavirus state of emergency for the first time in over a period of six months. People are being able to return to their old life styles but they have to stick to the usage of regular preventions such as mask wearing. A lot of Japanese people have not been to busy areas in over a year and this feels like a fresh start to them. The Japanese government is still asking its citizens to collaborate and contribute to the vaccination process. About 60% of Japanese people are vaccinated and that is a strong attribute to the newest information of Covid-19. During the month of August, Japan had a major scared since the coronavirus cases were on the rise and almost collapse the medical system.

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