Sunday, October 31, 2021

Should Looted Treasure be Returned to Rightful Owners by Patrick Turner

Britain can't decide whether it should send its looted treasures back to their rightful owners

 Link to Article

Analysis by Luke McGee,

Interpretation by Patrick Turner

    In the article, they talk about how the British would come by these ancient artifacts such as taking over land or just stealing the items from these small nations. I thought that it was interesting that Britain is thinking about going back to these now independent countries and giving them back to the nations. I feel like this would be very nice to give back these items to the nations. Some other nations such as Germany and France. They had recently returned these artifacts to the countries. One thing that Britain was trying to understand as to why they are giving them back to the country would allow them to experience the main ideas of what they ended up believing in. One reason as to why they are hesitating on giving these artifacts back was because they would rather have people being able to see these items throughout the world. The big problem with the situation was really hard because of the controversy that would end up causing a lot of problems. 


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