Wednesday, October 13, 2021

6, China isn’t the only huge Asian economy with a coal shortage now (Sydney Dryier)

    As supply chains continue to crumble under the weight of COVID-19 deaths and low wages now Asian countries are seeing a shortage of coal which is leaving entire cities dark as rolling blackouts begin to start as energy rationing begins. Coal is the most used energy source in the world and there’s no reason for us to continue on with something so primitive. Western countries have had access to clean energy through solar, wind, nuclear and others that would allow underdeveloped nations to establish plants and get their own energy from natural sources which negates the need to transport coal and allows every country to have energy despite the global climate or supply chain.     A modernized nation can’t run without power and because of this underdeveloped nations are at the mercy of global supply chains and fossil fuels which are usually sold to them by first world nations. Fossil fuels cannot continue to be the standard as it creates a clear divide between those who have access to it and those who don’t. Solar energy should have been implemented globally a long time ago and would’ve prevented the strain on the supply chain and power shortages on Asian countries, but that won’t happen because first world countries can’t monopolize the sun and sell it back to people. Once again, profit margins impede progress and cause innocent people to suffer in an unequal and broken economic system. In 2021 we have no reason to not provide every world citizen with necessities like electricity and the internet and the only reason people go without is due to the selfishness of those who monopolize necessities.

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