Friday, October 22, 2021

7, UN Chief Warns World On “One Way Ticket to Disaster” Over Climate (Dryier)

The planet is headed for disaster and extinction of humanity and even in the wake of the UN Chief telling the world that people will die and suffer if things keep staggering like they are now. The lack of urgency over this issue by major powers is honestly disgusting in the wake of what’s at stake. World leaders don’t care. Lobbyists and corporations have been paying off world leaders for decades and have hidden evidence and lied about the damage that everyone knew carbon emissions would do. World leaders are literally turning a blind eye and sacrificing the next generation for the sake of profit margins. The planet is being destroyed by selfish people, we know who they are and for the sake of the entire world stage and it’s existence, more needs to be done and people need to be brought to justice and held accountable for their crimes against humanity. Lives are being lost and those who we know are responsible for cover ups and lobbying/taking money from lobbyists need to be held to the same standard of evil as those responsible for genocide. Because that’s what they’re doing, a mass killing of people through the pollution they personally made sure continued. Climate change is literally killing people through heat waves, food scarcity, water scarcity and extreme weather events. Climate denial is a crime against humanity and we need to see it as such before time is out and everyone under the age of 50 has a bleak future on an inhabitable planet knowing that no one did anything despite the ample time and opportunities to do so.

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