Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ireland Votes to End Abortion Ban, in Rebuke to Catholic Conservatism

Just the other day in Dublin, Ireland was it repealed to a restrictive ban on abortions. With their conservative patriarchy they have been dealing with rebukes to the Roman Catholic Church. With a surprising landslide on the vote on Saturday it cemented the liberal shift when there is a right-wing-populism on the rise in Europe, along with the Trump administration imposing on abortion rights here in the United States. Only three years ago Ireland had a gay man as the prime minister and voted in another referendum to allow same sex marriage. From these changes happening it has shown a shift in the past 10-20 years in Ireland for a socially liberal policy. The prime minister also stated that this process has been a great exercise of democracy of allowing the people to speak and respecting the women’s rights and decisions of their own health care. Within the vote it the “yes camp” took more than 66% of the vote and the turnout was about 64%. From this change it now allows women not to be forced to travel to other countries, buy pills illegally online, or risk a 14-year jail sentence. Instead now doctors will be able to be this port of call for their patients. Additionally, this opens new doors for doctors to be able to save women’s lives and not worry about losing their jobs or making the wrong decision. Within all of the change the Catholic church has played a huge role, but recently has been loosing credibility with scandals going on.

Kaleigh Walsh

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