Thursday, May 31, 2018

Puerto Rico grid 'teetering' despite $3.8 billion repair job

The article begins with talking about the past eight months that Puerto Rico has been dealing with. Since the hurricane hit in the fall people have still been living in the dark. With a $3.8 billion federal effort the problem is still not solved and is the longest blackout in American history. Additionally, the measures taken for the 3.3 million people living there are most likely to collapse whenever the next hurricane hits. With the weather increasing and getting warmer it is said that hurricane season will begin soon. Statistics that came out said that there is a 75% chance that the on coming hurricane season will bring on five to nine hurricanes that could be categories three, four, or five with winds up to 111 mph. With the chances so high of hurricanes to come measures need to done to prevent worse future conditions. Officials of Puerto Rico blame decades of mismanagement that left more than $9 billion in debt last year which did no allow them for emergency funds for the aftermath of this disaster. With the “work” that has been done in Puerto Rico the vice president said that it is roughly 10 to 15 percent of the work done did not meet basic quality standards. Unfortunately, for the future to come Puerto Ricans are preparing for the worst to come.

Kaleigh Walsh

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