Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Iran nuclear row: Tehran says Israel's Netanyahu lied

This article is about the Iranian nuclear deal, and specifically focuses on relations between Iran and Israel. This article discusses that recently Iran has labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar, after he accused Iran of deceiving the world about their nuclear intentions. Netanyahu produced copies of Iranian files detailing a project to build nuclear weapons, that were found 15 years ago. This Netanyahu states is in contrast with what Iran said in that they have never sought to build a bomb, when Iran signed an international deal to stop nuclear activity in 2015. Iran has responded to the allegations by stating they were worn-out, useless, and shameful, because the documents were already dealt with and they were only released again to influence president Trump to not stick with the Iran nuclear deal. The article discusses that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the documents proved beyond any doubt that Iran had not told the truth, and Trump has asked for permanent restrictions on Iran’s uranium enrichment. The international community is going to have to wait to find out how the Iranian nuclear deal could change with this important information coming out.

-Noah Parrill


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