Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Marc Fleenor- North & South Korea's diplomacy

Marc Fleenor

     North and South Korea have agreed to an armistice. This does not necessarily mean the war is over but it sure looks that way. In this new light of North Korea's progressive movements, they claim they will shut down one of its nuclear test sites. This sounds great short-term but skepticism always emerges for the long-term assuming they would have done it anyway due to instability. There is reason to believe the economy of North Korea is in such a poor state that they may have no choice but to cooperate at this point. Kim Jung-un has been making such drastic changes in politics and his beliefs that I think somehow he has hidden something big under his sleeve. By asking Moon Jae-in, the South Korean leader, to cross the border and discuss it begs the question of how deep North Korea's need for alliance goes. Now we as Americas are reliant on President Trump to befriend Korea as a whole or possibly turn our backs on both sides all together. This can go wrong very quickly, just as fast as Kim decided to come out of seclusion and cooperate with the rest of the world.

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