Sunday, October 27, 2019

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in US raid, Trump Confirms

This Saturday night, during a two-hour, special forces raid in the province of Idlib in north-west Syria, lead to the death of ISIS leader Baghdadi. US forces cornered Baghdadi at the end of a tunnel, where Baghdadi detonated a suicide-vest killing himself and his three sons. Trump took to Twitter, tweeting his success and describing the death of Baghdadi, stating, "He died like a dog. He died like a coward." World leaders welcomed the news, but were also cautious, claiming that the war with ISIS is not over yet. And many of Trump's critics argued that Trump's withdraw from Syria will only open the door for ISIS's reemergence. For now we celebrate the victory, but should remain vigilante.
Weston Valkner

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