Sunday, October 20, 2019

Justin Trudaeu's Liberals make final push as Canadian election campaign reaches conclusion - Alex Eberhardt

Justin Trudaeu's Liberals make final push as Canadian election campaign reaches conclusion

Fox News

Written by Benson Cook

This article is essentially just saying that the Canadian election is almost over and that there is a lot of skepticism as to whether or not Trudaeu will win. Apparently he is having some trouble with the Quebec province of Canada. This is the French speaking province that has a large political party holding the desire to separate from Canada entirely. The big reason I am interested in is his costume party appearance.

As I am sure you know, Trudaeu was found to have done blackface for an alladin costume at a Halloween party. This obviously is going to make people upset. This is especially bad for him because he is a liberal leaning politician, and things like blackface are things that the liberals are particularly strongly against. I think the question here whether or not his blackface appearance should be forgiven or affect his chances at office?

In my opinion... he should be forgiven but also accept that it will affect his chances in office. I can't personally understand how offensive something like blackface is. But I also have good reason to believe that is not something so horribly offensive he should be put in jail or anything to that extreme. It is (hopefully) common knowledge that being offensive isn't illegal, it's just offensive. People are going to be understandably angry if you do something to offend them. Now at the time, do I think Trudaeu was trying to offend anyone? No. Do I think he should have been aware that that was an offensive thing to do? Yes. Him doing that was a mistake and so now he is paying for his mistake. However I think there is some responsibility on the side of the offended to make sure he pays an appropriate amount for his mistake. Again, I can't dictate what this amount is because I don't fully understand the level of offense that has been done here. But I do know that the punishments people are receiving today for screw ups like this are increasing more and more. It used to be that if something offensive happened to someone at school or in the work place, there were attempts to remedy the situation and find a common understanding between the two parties. Most instances of offense, in my experience, are not intentional. However, more and more I am seeing that when something like this happens, the offending party is punished immediately and severely without a chance to defend himself. In instances where there is no immediate threat of violence or consistent pattern of harassments, don't go straight to destroying the dude that offended someone. Give a chance to work things out, it's a better outcome for everyone.

by Alex Eberhardt

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