Saturday, October 19, 2019

Violent Protests Continue in Barcelona After Catalan Leaders Sentenced for Independence Push

Violent protests continue in Barcelona after Catalan leaders were sentenced for the Catalan independence from Spain push that occurred in 2017. On Friday night, police utilized water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets to thwart demonstrators who grew violent, throwing cobblestones and flammable bottles, building barricades, and setting many bonfires in garbage bins. Early in the week, demonstrators were able to cancel flights at Barcelona's airport by taking the airport over. According to the AP, 400 people have been injured in the demonstrations, many of them police officers. Barcelona's Mayor, Ada Colau called for peace Friday, and the Catalan Interior Chief Miquel Buch, who oversees the regional police, said that the violence does not overshadow the half a million people who came out to peacefully protest the imprisonment of the Catalan leaders, who were sentenced to between 9 and 13 years by the Supreme Court of Madrid.

-Alex Kitzmann

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