Sunday, October 27, 2019

What we know about the tragic case of 39 people found dead in a truck in England - Alex Eberhardt

From the Washington Post,

By Miriam Berger

Essentially, in Essex, England, someone found a big truck full of dead people. It's a pretty big mystery right now because no one yet knows quite why or who is responsible. The talk of the town seems to be that it is some kind of human trafficking disaster. Most of the bodies are of suspected Chinese or Vietnamese Nationals. Both would be prime targets for human trafficking. The dead bodies were mostly men with about ten women. 4 people have been arrested but their identities are unknown. It is believed that 3 were arrested under suspicion of human trafficking, and one was arrested for manslaughter. The one arrested for manslaughter was the driver of the truck. Because the truck driver was arrested for manslaughter, and the truck is a refrigerated truck. I'm guessing the people in the truck either froze or suffocated and that it was accidental or at least unintended.

The believe the container came from Belgium originally, and then made its way to Northern Ireland, and eventually to England. This crime is really interesting to me because it necessitates and international investiagtion. The British police are likely going to need to work with Belgian, Chinese, and Vietnamese police to figure this out. This was probably part of an organized crime trafficking ring. I am really interested to see how this all turns out when we hopefully get more answers.

By Alex Eberhardt

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