Monday, October 21, 2019

Withdrawing US troops enter Iraq from Syria

On Monday dozens of US armored vehicles ferrying American soldiers crossed into Iraq Kurdistan from Syria. It was then reported that a Reuters news agency cameraman witnessed more than 100 United States forces vehicles crossing into Iraq from Syria through the Sahela border crossing in the northern province of Dohuk. Though the crossing of the United States forces vehicles was not a welcomed act. Residents of a Kurdish-dominated Syrian city threw potatoes at the US troops and proceeded to shout expletives at them as they drove by. It was also evident that the US troops weren’t welcomed in other cities as well, like in Qamishli. The residents there were angry and decided to also throw potatoes at the US troops while shouting things like “No America” and “American liar” in English. One of the US vehicles even backed up over the sidewalk in attempt to try and get away from the angry residents. Trump has now tweeted that the soldiers will be brought home (but not immediately according to Trump’s top aide) since they secured the oil they wanted.

-Melissa A.

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