Thursday, October 10, 2019

The German synagogue shooting livestreamed on Amazon's Twitch

The German synagogue shooting just happened yesterday, Wednesday October 9th. About 2,200 people watched the shooting take place live through Amazon's Twitch service and the video was a total of 35 minutes long. German police went on to say that 2 people were killed in the attack. A Twitch spokesperson also stated that they wouldn't tolerate any hateful, violent conduct on their platform therefore they would work to take down the shooting content as quickly as possible and they would take action against any accounts posting or reposting about this hateful and violent act by permanently suspending the accounts as well. It was reported that in the video the shooter shot a woman before trying to enter the synagogue but ultimately wasn't able to get in like he wished. He shot another person soon after that. This incident is now helping to show the increasing problem that streaming platforms are facing today, they're being used by evil people who want to commit evil acts in front of an audience by using social networks just like Twitch.

-Melissa A.

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