Sunday, October 27, 2019

ISIL chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed in Syria, confirms Trump

One the night of October 26th, U.S special forces led a military operation in Syria's Northwest providence, Idlib. In a press conference today, October 27th, President Trump confirmed that the operation concluded in the dead of the current head of the ISIL state, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The president later went on to say military personnel cornered him and his three children in a dead-end tunnel. al-Baghdadi then ignited an explosive vest, blowing up him and his three children in the tunnel. He has 11 other children that are now under care by an undisclosed third party. In the article, Trump wanted to make clear that the ISIL leader died as a coward, hoping to kill what memory there was left of him. With the ISIL leader dying this way, the U.S should take proper safety precautions in the event that there is a revenge terrorist attack by whatever is left of ISIS. 

Michael Pollack

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