Monday, March 22, 2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Boasts 97% Effectiveness BLOG #8

 There has been a lot of claims being made about the different strands of COVID-19 vaccines and a few different companies that have been developing said vaccine. The first company that released their vaccine boasting high effectiveness rates was Pfizer and most recently AstraZeneca has released a vaccine that claims to be 97% effective. In a large clinical trial AstraZeneca's vaccine has curbed all the worst outcomes of the disease while causing no serious side effects according to the results released today. The hope is that the success shown by this vaccine will help instill confidence in the vaccine after Europe suspended implementation of their vaccine a few days ago. This trial included 32,000 test subjects, the most of any other clinical trial of the vaccine. The problem as of now for the United States is no matter how effective the vaccine is, it can not yet reach the shores of the United States because it has not been approved to be administered here. My opinion on this is that these vaccines are much needed not because of COVID-19 symptoms alone but so that people will feel that they can open up and begin living their lives at some capacity again. I have not seen my grandparents for over a year and if a vaccine can allow them to be comfortable, and for business to feel comfortable to begin to operate at a fuller capacity then I am all for a vaccine. As far as myself and if I would get it, I am unsure. I do not know if I am a priority to get this vaccine and have had a lot of good fortune thus far with combating the virus. I have not contracted COVID-19 and I would feel better allowing more at risk adults or younger children getting the vaccine before myself and hopefully there is a collective immunity coming soon when enough of the nation gets vaccinated. 

AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine Is Found to Be 79% Effective in U.S. Study ( DALTON WILLETT BLOG #8

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