Thursday, March 11, 2021

How China Plans to Control Hong Kong’s Elections and Elevate ‘Patriots’

Looks like I'm back on my Hong Kong bidness. 

In this article, authors Keith Badsher and Chris Buckley write about the continuing issues of mainland China imposing its will on Hong Kong. Mainland China has continued to eliminate democratic candidates from already less-than-legitimate elections. Additionally, mainland China is also arresting democracy activists and charging them with conspiracy to commit subversion. This is all, of course, in effort to quell democracy in Hong Kong.

We've been having a lot of conversations in class about China, and that a big strategy that China uses is slowly imposing their influence on the property around them. This is again really obvious with Hong Kong. Mainland China is slowly taking out its opposition and restructuring Hong Kong in its own image by removing democratic candidates. Even more insidious is that they're doing it in a way that's pretty unfair, to say the least. Last week I was talking about how it's concerning that Hong Kong and made a deal to rejoin mainland China in 2047 but just a week later, the issue seems even more concerning because mainland China seems to be more and more impatient with each passing day. I can only anticipate the protests that are going to occur in response to this. It's sad to see the people of Hong Kong's rights get chipped away the way it is.

- Jake T. Domingo - Blog post #6

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