Sunday, March 21, 2021

The UK is hitting record breaking numbers with Covid Vaccines

 Back in 2020, the world was thrown into great turmoil with the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic shut down almost all places of work as the world stood at a great standstill waiting for its freedom to arrive. Now in 2021 hope finally seems to be on the horizon with a multitude of Covid-19 vaccines being available. The United Kingdom has done something incredible these past 3 days. Record-breaking numbers are happening with administrating the vaccine that seems untouched by any country right now. Currently, over 50 percent of adults at least have one dose of the vaccine as the president of the United kingdom lifted his wall stating, "We should not set limitations on people who can get the vaccine". It will be interesting to see how the United Kingdom develops with dealing with Covid-19 over these next couple of weeks. Seeing how this country plays to other nations will be important as well. If other countries see that a country that has no limitations on the vaccine is doing better with dealing with the pandemic who's to say that we will not see it from other nations who are trying to deal with it as well. Only time will tell how this plays into effect. Today even with the success the United Kingdom is having with rolling out the vaccine they still have ensued a travel ban on people wishing to leave the country for a trip of some sort. Personally, I feel like this is a very smart idea as if you limit extra exposure within the country and are getting vaccines rolling out in an efficient matter you are setting yourself up for a kick recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic in an attempt to get back to normality.

Matthew Rabick

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