Sunday, March 21, 2021

Miami Beach Issues Curfew To Curb Spring Break

 Rolled back Covid Restirctions, cheap filghts, and discounted hotel rooms led to a surge in tourism to Miami Beach this spring break. As a result Miami Beach has declared a state of emergency imposing a curfew. All restaurants offering outdoor dining must close by 7 and the beach is to close at 8pm. The Mayor has explained that too many people have come with "bad intentions", the Mayor announced he will be imposing the curfew so that things do not get worse after videos began to trend on social media of large groups of students partying on the beach, and some even trashing outdoor lounge areas. Police arrested at least a dozen people, but the week before they detained around 100 people while trying to break up the spring break crowd. Official's fear that the surge in travel for spring break may amplify the pandemic, this is especially disheartening to hear considering we've seen a decrease in cases as the vaccine becomes more available.


By: Tommy McClernon

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