Saturday, March 27, 2021

Should the US be ready for a Cold War with China?- Dalton Willett BLOG #9

 The United States and China are beginning to trend toward a long term conflictive relationship that could lead toward a cold war similar to the one the US experienced with the USSR. This conflict is also driven by the same factors that drove the last cold war. America, being a free and democratic society is struggling over influence with authoritarian China for the fight of influence over billions of people. Another parallel between our cold war with the USSR and China is that there is talk of a containment policy that is supposed to keep China's influence from spreading around the globe. My personal opinion on this article is that while there are some parallels to the cold war from the 1900s with the USSR, times have changed drastically and I believe we have been in this cold war with China for a long time. They are struggling to become to worlds number one power and we are trying to keep that title and that is a fight that will never go away. I do not think this is a huge deal if it drives competition between the countries and betters both of them. Where issues arise is if one tries to influence or sabotage the advancement of the other.  There is no doubt that how China has handled the COVID-19 outbreak has led to a lot of distrust and anger from America and other countries around the world as it should have. China's handling of the COVID-19 outbreak was irresponsible and they should absolutely be on the hook for retributions for their mishandling of the virus and the spread that came as a result.  

US must prepare for cold war with China (


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