Sunday, March 14, 2021

Europe Confronts a Covid-19 Rebound as Vaccine Hopes Recede

 As we come upon a year into the pandemic, the United States is starting to see improvements in its COVID statistics. Although the statistics are still looming above us across the world, it is clear that Europe is still facing continuous and daunting numbers. The spark that continues to light this long time ignited fire definitely thanks to the United Kingdom variant of the coronavirus. Despite this, reopenings in Italy only continue to drive up the numbers of individuals who continue to test positive for the UK variant. This in turn has caused immediate reclosing following this rapid rise. With that being said, this same variant now makes up 70% of the COVID infections in France. The continuous closures not only affect the numbers of COVID cases but also elections. Based on the decisions from public officials and their effect on the public, this puts public officials in sticky situations where there is a greater chance that they will not be re-elected. This is causing officials to lighten up on their closing measures to potentially hold onto their positions. French President Emmanuel Macron is currently in this position as he continues to not make any bold moves with reopenings while he strictly relies on evening curfews and rushed vaccinations.

Kaytlyn Tyler 

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