Sunday, March 28, 2021

Makassar Church Attack

 This attack happened just outside of a church located in Indonesia. Police suspect the attack was a suicide bomb attack that occurred on Palm Sunday the Sunday before Easter. the impact was 14 people are at least wounded and there is a broken motorcycle. The 2 attackers are dead. In the past, there have been attacks on the Indonesian churches but none are linked to any militant Islamist groups from the community knowledge. Most people are pointing to this attack as a religious terrorist attack especially for when the date it occurs. Over the past couple of weeks, all different types of hate are piling up around the world. Now with religion being added into the fray, it's hard to say what really needs to happen in order for this trend to start to die down. Police in Indonesia is now on the case to see if they can find any evidence on why this attack occurred and if it is linked to anything. Personally, I feel a investigation especially on a case like this will be very hard as most of your evidence will be missing due to the remnants of the attack. It will be interesting to see over the coming days how this story will start to develop. Will religious hate grow or will it only get worse as we approach Easter?

Matthew Rabick

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