Thursday, March 11, 2021

U.S losing international deterrence to China - Palahniuk #5

This week, the U.S Indo-Pacific Command leader, Phillip Davidson admitted to a building imbalance between China and the U.S military forces in the South China Sea region. These advances are coming from their steady budge towards making updates to their military arms. A Chinese spokesman replied to Davidson’s statement on Monday pretty much saying that China’s budget increase towards military forces is nothing to be concerned about and they are doing it for the sole reason of defense. On the outside, it is hard not to view China’s bolden stance in the South China Sea as a push towards something bigger. I don’t think the U.S is in the wrong to stay alarmed on what China may have planned. The talk about how the tension between China and the U.S is compared to the Cold-War era of WW2. China is projected to quadruple its nuclear stockpile by the end of 2021, which would give them the upper hand in a nuclear war if we do not increase our defense spending budget. A proposition to match the amount China is putting into their defensive budget was brought to the table by Davidson so that the U.S will then continue to keep an edge over China. Congress approved a 3-5% increase in the defense budget for the U.S to allow us to keep up with the constant growth of international demands.

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