Sunday, February 20, 2022

Freedom Convoy Leaves Town and Quiet Returns to Ottawa


Freedom Convoy Leaves Town and Quiet Returns to Ottawa 


            With President Trudeau invoking a vaccine mandate, his actions were met with a ‘freedom convoy’ in Ottawa. The convoy was a trucker-led movement that imposed the mandate. After 23 long days, of disrupted traffic and chaos, the president had enough. He ordered police to start clearing out those in the convoy. Although much of the work is done, former police chief Bill Blair says, “there is still work to be done.” As Ottawa returns to normalcy, many other provinces are on high alert as they suspect a freedom convoy could evolve within their respective provinces. While traffic was cleared, lawmakers on Sunday debated on the motion of the actions Trudeau took to clear the convoy. His actions were being the invocation of emergency powers. Although the actions with Trudeau are within his legal bounds, the debate and vote will be about how long these emergency powers can last. An interesting story to read. As we go into almost year three of the pandemic, we can see many attitudes changing around the world. As Canadians are usually not the front runner for protest, but a 23 day protest that required emergency powers is unheard of. Will be interesting to see if Trudeau changes his position on the mandate as he has now seen the outrage from some Canadians. 

By: Luke Schmidt

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