Sunday, February 27, 2022

We are all living in Vladimir Putin's world now

Due to Russia's military aggression on Ukraine, its important to go back and look at our own era and the effects that it has had. After the Cold War the saying "30 years of peace" was developed and now it has ended, passionate pleas to defend post-cold war European order has no meaning now because this era is over. Putin has fully lost touch with reality and now we are truly living in his world, said by Thucydides, "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" because Putin is a much bigger power then other countries, he feels the need to do whatever pleases him. This war all has to do with Putin and not so much Russia because he was never able to manage and reconcile himself with Moscow's Cold War defeat, so people ask the question, is this more revenge than it is strategy? In Putins mind the current assault on Ukraine is logical and necessary inflection because they don't care about the future, it's all about rewriting the past for them (especially because of the NATO bombing on Belgrade). The article also says how the invasion on Ukraine has united Europe but it will also hurt its self confidence, and more many countries that trade with dictators, it doesn't make their country more secure, and keeping the money of corrupt leaders in their bank accounts doesn't civilize them, it corrupts that country.

Kayla McSweeney

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