Friday, February 11, 2022

Switzerland Weighs Ban on Tabacco Ads

In Switzerland, cigarettes and cigarette ads are fairly common. Because of this, Swiss anti-smoking committees wish to protect young people and ensure that their tobacco prevention efforts are not undermined through advertising. They propose a ban on tobacco ads in places where those under the age of 18 would be present. Though the Federal Council acknowledges that almost half of the smokers started the habit as a minor and that tobacco use is responsible for ~15 percent of the nation’s deaths, the initiative has been opposed by the government as a whole, which has excellent relationships with tobacco companies that have regional and global headquarters in Switzerland. 

A group formed to encourage people to reject the initiative said the proposed advertising restrictions were against Switzerland’s liberal values. If Swiss voters reject the initiative on Sunday, the amended bill will come into effect without the broad restrictions on ads. If the public votes in favor of the initiative, tobacco companies will have to rethink investing in Switzerland.

By: Noah Hittie

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