Sunday, February 24, 2019

Are we still in Danger??? -Corinthian

Corinthian Fields

In this current event for this week i want to talk about how North Korea is still a threat to our country. And that’s because our good ole pal Mr. Donald Trump, if you don’t know or you are not familiar with why they our rivalry, months ago Donald Trump threaten North Korea that he will send missles and kill everyone over there! Why? I’m not sure why would he do such a thing but that is what happens when you don’t have a good lease in place he put us in danger based off his stupidity. Trump decided to post two tweets explaining the meeting with very well with North Korea’s leader and that he wasn’t as bad as after all, he also took in place to explain in the second tweet the only reason he said the thing he said was because President Barack Obama lead him on to make him think that they was our worse enemy and not to trust them. So basically what he is trying to do is blame Obama for his mistakes and saying the reason he did what he did is because Obama didn’t give him nothing but a bad impression. I don’t like the fact that he is not taking responsibility for this issue and i don’t think he knows all alone in my opinion this leader is tricking him and giving him everything he wants to hear and will give us a suprise attack, it takes time to plan attack’s on us because we have advanced systems and it’ll be hard to overcome us because of that reason and he is just getting a feel for Trump to learn how he move and operate and he will take an advantage. The point of this article is to let us all know even though Trump says everything is fine , don’t trust it because North Korea’s leader didn’t publicly announce it and we need to stay awake.

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