Sunday, February 3, 2019

Fun architecture and engineering news

How about a little break from the doom and gloom?

Norway is building the next wonder of the world. Well maybe, what do you think about a 17 mile long tunnel? No? Not that impressed? What if it was over 1,200 feet beneath the surface? Still not impressed? What about the world's first ever floating submerged tunnel? Yep you read that right, floating yet submerged. So, Norway is carrying out this plan for a new tourist attraction that will rival the Eiffel Tower, which by the way is projected to cost a cool $40 billion. This floating submerged tunnel was decided upon because they needed a way to get across Sognefjord. They couldn't go under like they're doing with several other fjords since Sognefjord is over 4,000 feet deep! There will be two concrete tubes that are suspended by floating pontoons which will span the length of the fjord. People will be driving cars apx 100 feet below the surface in a floating tunnel! The project has already begun and they're 10% completion with an expected completion date of 2050. If you check out the link, you can see illustrations of what it is projected to look like.


Written by David Pate

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