Sunday, February 10, 2019

Warren: Trump 'may not even be a free person' by 2020- corinthian

Corinthian Fields

I found an interesting article on CNN saying “Trump May not even be a free person by 2020”. I instantly wanted to read and talk about this , the title was very catchy and the fact that Trump is being bashed all throughout this article is amazing. MJ Lee decided to list the reasons why this country is in a dangerous moment due to the fact of the lack of integrity that our president have, everyday you see a “racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly” but then Lee mentioned Warren challenges her fellow runners by also stating "And what are we, as candidates, as activists, the press, going to do about it? Are we going to let him use those to divide us?” MJ Lee also mentioned Warren really wants us to be the change and not let nobody divide us into one and having this nonsense continue to lead our country into what it’s not. Warren feels like when election time come back up all the things Trump is doing, is going to continue because now he want to be elected again so he going to turn into a innocent man saying the things people want to hear and disrespect all the other candidates so he gets a response out of them, to knock them off there game but Warren plans on ignoring it and staying focus to show the people she is not weak minded. But the question i have in mind is why was the sentence “Trump might not be a free man in 2020”  came up? Is it because if she do become president, are she gonna get him deported and treat him like he treating the rest of these people out here? I reread throughout the article and still couldn’t figure out what was the point of including that in there, what do you guys think? Please feel free to let me know, in my opinion i think the U.S not going to make the same mistakes twice we are smarter than that and learned from our mistakes. If you still support this guy i think you are a coward because he bluntly disrespect our people daily.

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