Sunday, February 10, 2019

Is America ready for a single president?

“Any candidate who breaks the norm is subject to a string of nosy questions”

When Cory Booker had first announced he was running for president I had remembered him from the Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh hearing. I did some quick research on Booker and I was surprised to see that he is single, my first thought had been, I wondered how the American people feel about this, since the majority of our formal presidents have been married.
I then came across this article summing up what could possibly be the pros and cons to having a president who is not married.
The author mentions how this can be a test case for how much American attitudes have changed from previous elections, “America’s self-image soon became bound with the idea that families were the building blocks of the nation, and that putting the family first was a moral virtue”. 
This upcoming election seems like we have a lot of diversity going on, I am very curious to see how this upcoming election will play out.

Jessica Padilla

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