Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sierra Leone's president declares rape a 'national emergency'

This article talks about how Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio has declared rape and sexual violence to be a “National Emergency”.

President Bio calls the attention of his citizens to get united and join the fight to restore the “pride and dignity” of the women and children in his country. He ensured that his government will work harder to partner with civil societies to make the law better and stricter. And those found guilty of raping minors might be punished with life imprisonment. Currently, a person convicted for a case of rape or sexual assault can spend between five to fifteen year in prison. 

President Bio supports the organization “Hands Off Our Girls,” which is run by the First Lady, Fatima Bio. Together, they seek to eliminate sexual assault against women, girls and end child marriage. He communicated that victims of sexual assault will receive free medical services in hospitals and that his government will “ensure that men who rape have no place in society and also any man who rapes will be jailed forever so that a single rape becomes the last rape”.  

I hope that Sierra Leone can finally find the way to bring justice, peace, and prosperity to its people that have had to suffer already so many things. The government cannot do things alone - it needs its citizens - but people need to see a strong leader capable of stopping corruption and especially when it comes to the fight against those criminals (rapists). I agree that rapists deserve stronger punishments to force them to end this crisis.     

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