Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sierra Leone's President declares a national emergency to combat sexual crimes

President Bio of Sierra Leone declared rape and sexual violence are a national emergency. This was done to address the increase of sexual crimes, especially cases involving minors. Bio said those found guilty of raping a minor can face life imprisonment. He also told hospitals to provide free medical service to victims of sexual assault. Activists, including his wife First Lady Fatima Bio, have been calling for stricter laws and punishments for these sorts of crimes. Bio said he will work with the various groups to improve the laws that criminalize these acts. He has said that he wants rapists to be jailed forever, so that "a single rape becomes the last rape". The First Lady champions a campaign, "Hands Off Our Girls", that seeks to protect the dignity of girls in the country. I think they are making strong strides to address this awful issue. Hopefully, they can back it up with the proper laws. It's great that the first lady has such an active role in pushing for this policy. They seem to be a good team.

-Devin Carrier

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