Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sen. Amy Klobuchar enters presidential race

With the 2020 presidential election looming on the horizon, the Democratic field has already seen a large number of politicians throw their hat into the ring (Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker) with others still expected/speculated to join (Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke). On Sunday, Senator Amy Klobuchar was the latest to announce her candidacy for the highest executive position in the country. Klobuchar, the first woman elected to the Senate from Minnesota, is an interesting candidate that Democrats will have to consider when deciding what to focus on as election season continues. On one hand, Klobuchar has strong ties to the working class and is known as a bipartisan deal maker, making her a strong candidate to pursue in order to secure critical Midwestern swing states in the upcoming election. But their is some possible issues that could cause Klobuchar to falter on the campaign trail, mainly her political ideology/views. As noted in the article, Senator Klobuchar does not share the same beliefs that are becoming increasingly popular among democrats such as Medicare-for-all health insurance that provides coverage to every American. The article also states that Klobuchar voted in favor of President Trump's interest ~40% of the time. Either way, it will be interesting to see how Klobuchar fares in the campaign and the Democratic base's reaction to her candidacy.

Robin Czajowski

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