Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hope Flynn-- Palestinian 'Moderate' Official Reportedly Compares Palestinian Refugee Camps To Nazi Camps

Thursday a comment made by a senior Palestinian official, Jibril Rajoub, was made public. He stated that Palestinians “have been living in camps similar to Nazi camps” showing either his extreme ignorance or lack of empathy for the millions killed in the Nazi concentration camps. It’s hard to argue that he is ignorant of the camps though given his high position in the government. This is not the first time that Rajoub has made anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments. He has also made comments that “resistance to Israel remains on [Palestinian] agenda [and] resistance in all forms…is effective and costly to [Israel.]” However, Palestinian refugee camps reside outside of Israel and Palestinians have the most freedom in the middle east living in Israel. Many of them also join the Israeli military and hold high court and government positions. The Nazi death camps killed millions and to compare them to neighborhoods containing Palestinians outside of Israel is disgusting, ignorant, and unacceptable. 

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