Sunday, February 17, 2019

Pakistan rolls out red carpet for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan personally took care of the preparations to welcome to his country the 33-year-old Saudi Prince, Mohamed bin Salman, as an important state guest. The whole nation gathered together to honor his visit. Pakistan was blamed for the recent big attack on India’s security forces in Kashmir, thus creating even more tensions in the region.

The main reason for this tour is to reinforce good relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and reinforce mutual nexus of interests. Pakistan is struggling with a serious economic crisis, in which Saudi Arabia will aid with money; in exchange, Pakistan will provide military protection. Furthermore, it is presumed, but not proven, that the two sides have a longstanding nuclear relationship, in which Saudi Arabi could have access to nuclear technology in the case of its rival, Iran, becoming a nuclear-armed power. Moreover, Saudi Arabi has a strong religious influence on Muslim Pakistan. Those two countries are perfect allies: one provides money and the other provides military forces and protection.

By: Lupita Turriff

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