Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Key Figures in THe Push For Catalan Independence

Catalonia is a region in northwestern Spain that is widely known for being the province of Barcelona. The presidents and vice presidents of the region have been pushing for independence for a few years as they have their own language, laws, and customs. These leaders have full support from the citizens of Catalonia, who impatiently are waiting to gain their official separation from Spain. Furthermore, the region has always retained a significant degree of autonomy. Yet, Spain's economic crisis only magnified the issue as the Barcelona region is wealthier than the rest of the country. Since this past May, Catalan nationalists "regained power in Barcelona after a seven-month period of direct rule by Madrid... Tensions remain high, as many Catalans resent Madrid's show of force last year, when it charged pro-independence leaders with sedition."

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Zohra Ouhabi

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