Sunday, February 3, 2019

Pope Francis makes first papal visit to Arab Gulf state

Pope Francis arrived in the United Arab Emirates today, making him the first pop to visit an Arab Gulf state. This is the seventh time Pope Francis has visited a predominantly Muslim country. He will spend three days in Abu Dhabi, where he will attend a religious conference with representatives from the main religions. He hopes to start a new age of cooperation and brotherhood between the various religions. Tuesday was declared a holiday so people can attend a mass held by the Pope which is expected to have over 100,000 attendees. He is meeting leaders and trying to improve relations between the Vatican and the Islamic world. Although I am not typically religious myself, it is always nice to see a story like this. Especially given our recent conversation about civilization clashes, it's good to see a story about spreading love and cooperation. Hopefully, the trip goes well and creates some understanding of these different faiths.

-Devin Carrier

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