Thursday, April 15, 2021

FDA recommends pause of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine after blood clot cases

 In the over 6.8 million J&J COVID-19 vaccinations administered, there have been 6 cases of severe blood clotting. Because of these cases, the FDA has recommended the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be paused. This can be viewed in a couple different ways, people who are pro vaccination can say that it's just 6 out of 6.8 million and that is not significant enough to worry. However, our nation is split on who supports and who does not support the COVID-19 vaccination. The non supporters can now use these cases as evidence that the vaccination is potentially dangerous. The affect of this is the increase in vaccination skeptics. This is significant because the goal is to get everyone vaccinated, but that just got harder.

Will Kettelkamp

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